
Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza Puts Checks Husband in Public for Fancing With Random Woman (VIDEO)

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza made headlines after she put her husband, musician Murega Baichu, in check at a recent event.

Baichu was performing on stage when a female fan joined him and started dancing suggestively. The two were closely dancing and the crowd was cheering them on. However, things took a turn when the woman turned around and started grinding on Baichu.

This is when Mwangaza stepped in. She quickly made her way to the stage and put herself between the woman and her husband. The crowd erupted in laughter as it was clear that Mwangaza was not amused.

Mwangaza later told the media that she was simply protecting her husband’s dignity. She said that she would not tolerate anyone disrespecting her marriage.

Baichu has since apologized for the incident, saying that he was caught up in the moment and did not mean to disrespect his wife. He said that he loves his wife and would never do anything to hurt her.

The incident has sparked a debate on social media about the role of women in relationships. Some people have praised Mwangaza for standing up for herself, while others have criticized her for being too controlling.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual couple to decide how they want to handle their relationships. However, Mwangaza’s actions have certainly sent a message that she will not tolerate disrespect from anyone, including her husband.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
