
Bahati and Diana Marua respond to allegations Victor Wanyama is the father of their son

Bahati and Diana Marua have been the subject of online scrutiny in recent days after a malicious individual photoshopped the images of several male celebrities onto their family portrait. The insinuations were clear to even the most casual observer.

Kenyans have been eager to see how the couple, who have the largest combined social media following in Kenya, would respond.

They did not disappoint. Bahati and Diana took the high road, choosing to “turn lemons into lemonade.” They used the viral attention to their advantage by posting a video promoting a behind-the-scenes look at their photoshoot.

The caption on the video was a subtle dig at their haters. It read, “All attention is good attention.”

This response was met with widespread praise from fans and critics alike. Many people commended Bahati and Diana for their maturity and grace in handling the situation.

The couple’s response is a reminder that it is possible to rise above online negativity. By choosing to focus on the positive, they were able to turn a negative situation into an opportunity to promote their work.

They wrote, “We are The Bahati’s… We are the News Makers!!! Leo Wanasemaje??? 😊❤️😎 @diana_marua @thebahatisfamily.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
