
Pastor Ng’ang’a vows to die poor but happy

Image: Pastor James Ng'ang'a and his wife Apostle Loise Maina Ng'ang'a

The founder of Neno Evangelism, James Maina Ng’ang’a, has shown a significant change in his view on life and stated his wish to leave this world as a pleased man who has given his resources to God’s service.

In a recent service, the spiritual leader spoke about his plans for the ministry’s future and his resolve to use his own money to carry out his divine mission.

Ng’ang’a stated during the service that he intended to open additional branches of his ministry in various parts of the world in order to expand the ministry’s influence beyond Kenya.

He revealed his innovative method of financing and declared that he would be investing his hard-earned savings in this big project.

He emphasized his wish to stop his family from abusing his fortune after his passing to support this decision.

I have three groups up and running. I wish to launch three additional TV stations abroad. I went to the bank and took out Sh1 million, said Ng’ang’a.

He went on to say that he will set aside Sh1 million each month for these initiatives, demonstrating his commitment to disseminating the teachings of God over various geographical areas.

He stated that his choice was prompted by seeing other people’s fortune wasted by dishonest people after their passing.

“I’ll utilize my money to spread the gospel and die penniless. Although I am aware that there are kids involved, what about me? Was I not a kid of someone? He inquired.

Ng’ang’a made the point that wealth inheritance isn’t a given, saying that his offspring would only inherit if they worked for it themselves. He did this by drawing on his personal experiences.

Ng’ang’a emphasized that his main priority was doing holy service rather than acquiring fortune for the benefit of his family’s future.

I am laboring for Christ, not for them. I will give it to them if it does, but I won’t stop spending money just because I have kids, he declared.

Additionally, Ng’ang’a denied rumors that he might have political ambitions and insisted that his route was free of them.

I don’t mind if some of you don’t like me. In 2027, I won’t be running for any elected office. I don’t require any votes, so he declared.

Pastor Ng’anga has already revealed that he has raised most of his children in Ukambani.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
