
24-Year-Old Man Survives Sexual Assault and Being thrown out of Truck

A 24-year-old man is lucky to be alive after being thrown out of a speeding truck by his driver. The man claims to have been sexually assaulted by the driver before being thrown out.

The man had been working as an assistant to the driver, transporting cargo to different countries. They had met when the driver was a customer at the man’s car washing business.

The driver offered the man a job as his assistant, and the man accepted. They traveled together to Mombasa and Tanzania, and then back to Mombasa.

On the way back to Mombasa, the driver started hitting on the man. The man rejected his advances, and the driver became angry.

The driver took out a knife and put it to the man’s throat. He then raped and kicked the man while the truck was moving.

The man was eventually able to escape from the truck and was found by good Samaritans. He was taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries.

The man is now receiving psychological support and is taking medication to prevent infection. He is also planning to go back to school and start a new life.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
