
Oga Obinna reveals Size 8 unwittingly destroyed his relationship

Comedian and media personality Oga Obinna has revealed how gospel singer Size 8 unknowingly broke his relationship.

Obinna said that he was interning at Q FM when Size 8 came for an interview. He took a photo of himself carrying her and shared it on social media. The photo caused a stir and his girlfriend at the time became suspicious of him.

“She demanded to know if I was interested in Size 8,” Obinna said. “Utensils were all broken. I would switch the TV and she would turn it off. Eventually, I left the house because of Size 8.”

Obinna said that he was beaten up by his girlfriend and had to go to a show with cuts on his face the next day. He said that Size 8 was unaware of the situation and that she did not mean to cause any trouble.

DJ Mo, who was also a guest on the show, said that Size 8 was living a “soft life” at the time while Obinna was struggling financially.

“At the time you should see the type of men who were pursuing her,” DJ Mo said. “Wanaume wazito. I used to live in Githurai 44 and sometimes I could not even afford to pay my rent. On some days I slept in the corridors and woke up very early before people woke up.”

Obinna’s story is a reminder that social media can have a negative impact on our relationships. It is important to be careful about what we post online, as it can be misinterpreted by our loved ones.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
