
Kenyan Government Reveals The Kenyans behind Worldcoin

The Kenyan government has revealed new details about Worldcoin, a company that has been collecting eye scans from Kenyans in exchange for cryptocurrency tokens.

The government has said that Worldcoin is not a legal entity in Kenya and that it has not been authorized to operate in the country. The government has also said that it is investigating the source of the money that Worldcoin is using to pay participants.

The government has identified two Kenyans who are working for Worldcoin: Emmanuel Otieno and Rael Mwende. Otieno is the company’s operations manager and Mwende is the country manager. The government has also identified a foreign national, Piotr Piwowarczyk, who is associated with Worldcoin.

The government has said that it is investigating the legitimacy and legality of Worldcoin’s operations, the security and protection of the data that is being collected, and the intended use of the data.

The government has also said that it is investigating the source of the money that Worldcoin is using to pay participants.

The government’s investigation into Worldcoin is ongoing.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
