
Eli Mwenda returns to social media after getting clobbered

After taking a much-needed hiatus, content creator Eli Mwenda has since announced his return on social media.

The young man uploaded a video of himself relaxing and just being by himself while on vacation.

He revealed that he had used the time he had been away to do things like read, binge watch, journal, and simply think on his life.

The fashion designer came to inform us that his surgery, which he had as a result of the attack, had gone well and that his face was once again in good health.

“…The surgery went perfectly and my face is nearly back to normal with no permanent scars. We thank God…”

Eli Mwenda continued by thanking his fans and followers for all the well-wishes they had sent his way while he was away getting well.

The podcaster also thanked his listeners for being understanding and helpful during this time when he was unable to produce.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
