
Flaqo reveals Andrew Kibe saved his relationship with Keranta

In a recent interview on the Iko Nini podcast, comedian FlaqoRaz shared how he has used criticism to grow his brand. He said that as a content creator, it is important to learn to balance love and life, and to separate your personal relationships from your work.

FlaqoRaz recalled a time when he was trolled by Andrew Kibe about his relationship with content creator Keranta. However, FlaqoRaz did not overreact. Instead, he took Kibe’s criticism to heart and used it to improve his work.

FlaqoRaz said that he and Keranta have been together for over three years, but they chose to keep their relationship private for a while. He explained that he wanted to weigh the pros and cons of going public before making a decision.

“I had to weigh the outcome of making it public because we all know people’s perspective to you as a content creator change and now they equate your content to your relationship,” he said.

In the end, FlaqoRaz decided to go public with his relationship because he felt that his comedy characters and Keranta do not relate and they know nothing about each other. He said that this made it safe for him to share his personal life with his fans.

FlaqoRaz also talked about how he deals with hate and criticism in his comedy. He said that as he has grown and understood himself better, he has learned how to address criticism in a more constructive way.

“I used to take it personally, but now I know that it’s just part of the job,” he said. “I use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.”

FlaqoRaz’s story is a reminder that criticism can be a valuable tool for growth. If you are able to learn from criticism and use it to improve your work, you will be well on your way to success.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
