
Andrew Kibe announces he wants a paternity test carried out on his own sons

If the man Andrew Kibe calls dad is indeed his biological father, Andrew Kibe wants to know. The outspoken celebrity has frequently spoken out to other celebrities, pleading with them to perform DNA tests on their offspring.

He singled out the comedian YY and the author of online material Thee Pluto as those who have reprimanded him.

Kibe frequently talks about DNA to his male viewers on his YouTube channel. Here are the instances where he went into length on DNA testing.

Kibe read aloud a note from a fan three weeks prior asking if he should perform a DNA test due to his suspicions. He also provided the man with a justification for never taking a DNA test.

Kibe responded to a fan’s query by saying the guy was unsure the child was his because the doctor had told him their child’s due date was in May when his wife became pregnant on the day of delivery, but his arithmetic did not add up.

He gave the young man some advice:

“I was like that’s wasting my money I already know that child is not mine, my mathematics tells me, how can the kid come early?

They bombard you because you are alone, and this happened to me, but them they come all of them bitchign, puttign alot of nois ein his head to a point hwere he might completely do away with that thought and now focus on raisign the child,because makelele imekuwa mob sana.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
