
Babu Owino opens up about growing up on chang’aa proceeds

Image: Babu Owino speaks

Babu Owino, the MP for Embakasi East, is a man of many talents. He has a first-class honors degree in actuarial science, a master’s degree in law, six diplomas, and four degrees. He was born and raised in the Nyalenda slums of Kisumu, Kenya, and believes that his experiences there shaped him into the person he is today.

“I believe that the things we go through in life are meant to shape us and build us into who we are supposed to be,” Owino said. “That’s the goal of hard moments in life.”

Owino says that he can easily relate to someone who has struggled to pay school fees, lacked food at home, or even been arrested. He has gone through all of these things himself.

“After my father died when I was in class 3, my mother resorted to selling chang’aa (an illicit alcoholic brew) so that she could take care of us,” Owino said. “That’s what put me through school.”

Owino is a strong advocate for the rights of the poor and marginalized. He gets angry when he hears about the government waging a war against chang’aa sellers, because he believes that these sellers are often the only source of income for their families.

“Chang’aa sellers are the leaders of tomorrow,” Owino said. “They are the people who are going to change this country.”

Owino’s story is an inspiration to anyone who has ever struggled to overcome adversity. He is a living proof that it is possible to achieve great things, even if you come from a humble background.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
