
Angeline Wanjeri reveals why she quit her Kiss TV job

Angeline Wanjeri, a former presenter for Kiss 100, has explained why it took her so long to leave her position.

According to Wanjeri, she stayed three more years at Radio Africa, extending her employment there to a total of eight years. The ‘After Burn’ show was presented by her.

She revealed in a conversation with Lynn Ngugi:

“I came back to Kenya and I landed a job where I worked for two years. I had been told I would never amount to anything so I felt I had something to prove. I started acting and even appeared on a billboard.”

I saw an advert that Kiss 100 was looking for a presenter and I saw it hours before the deadline. I sent my demo and waited. I was called two days later for auditions.

I tendered my resignation in August 2022 and left the company in October 2022. So much was happening and I felt like I needed a new start, When I told my dad I had quit he was worried about I wasn’t happy, I had been wanting to resign for 5 years after joining that station but fear held me back. I was afraid to step out. Sometimes God places us somewhere as a stepping stone but we do not realize it.”

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
