
Top 10 Counties that have the fattest men in Kenya

KDHS has published a list of the top ten counties with the highest obesity rates.

Kajiado is at the top of the list, while Embu is at the bottom.

Weight that is higher than what is healthy for a particular height might be referred to as obesity or overweight.

Overweight can be caused by a variety of circumstances.

They include things like one’s activity levels, eating habits, and sleeping schedules:


Kiambu- 28.2 %

Lamu 25.8%

Nairobi- 25%


Nyeri- 22.6%

Isiolo- 22.4 %

Nakuru- 22.4%

Machakos- – 21.2%

Embu- 20.9

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
