
Mary Lincoln (gospel singer whose seggstape leaked) baptism sparks mixed reactions

Popular gospel singer Mary Lincoln’s recent baptism has sparked mixed reactions among her fans and followers.

The video of the baptism, which has been shared widely on social media, shows Lincoln being immersed in murky water by a pastor.

Some fans have expressed their support for Lincoln’s decision to be baptized, while others have questioned the pastor’s methods and the location of the baptism.

One fan, Wah Ngechi, disagreed with the pastor’s statement that baptism washes away sins. “Baptism does not wash away sins; only the blood of Christ does,” Ngechi wrote.

Another fan, Josphine612, defended Lincoln, saying that she is a good person. “She is my church mate, and I wish you could know her apart from hearing stories,” Josphine612 wrote.

Elisabethwaitotia chimed in, saying that true repentance involves a change of mind and heart rather than merely participating in a ceremonial act. “Repenting is a change of mind, not swimming in water,” she commented.

Not all of the comments were positive. User TheRestoredPrincess expressed concern about Lincoln’s personal life, hoping that she is now preserving herself for marriage.

Some fans questioned the location of the baptism, with user Caroline Njeri446 wondering why they didn’t find a cleaner river for the ceremony.

Overall, the reactions to Mary Lincoln’s baptism have been mixed. Some fans have expressed their support for her decision, while others have questioned the pastor’s methods and the location of the baptism.

It is important to note that baptism is a personal decision, and there is no one right way to be baptized. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what is best for them.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
