
TV47 star moves to Chinese broadcaster

Days after parting ways with TV47, award-winning media personality Sharon Barang’a has found a new position.

Barang’a announced on Wednesday that she has signed on with China Global Television Network (CGTN).

My new home ????

This week, I started a new chapter in my career.

To everyone who has been following up on my journey, cheering me up & praying for me…Asanteni sana.

After leaving TV47, Barang’a has now joined the Chinese-owned media company.

On June 29, she left the station after being given a fun farewell party by her superiors and coworkers.

My farewell party just went down.

Today was my last day at tv47…I cried, I “crewed”, it has been an emotional day leaving a company that received me warmly when I was going through a rough patch in my life. Tv47news became literally became family to me.

After being fired from NTV, a station owned by the Nation Media Group, Barang’a joined TV47 in October 2020.

Barang’a admitted that she was having a difficult time after being let go just two weeks after losing her father.

The distinguished journalist covers issues relating to children, health, and education.

She won the Early Childhood Development Reporting Contest sponsored by the ICFJ in 2016, and the Mandela Washington Fellowship, financed by the U.S. Department of State, was awarded to her in 2017.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
