
Cate Rira: I started my podcast because of a prostitute

Radio personality Cate Rira revealed that a night nurse (prostitute) served as the inspiration for her podcast.

After hearing the damsel describe how she wound up on the streets, selling her body to men for money, she did what she was told.

She discussed the motivation for her POV podcast.

“We tend to judge others harshly from our vantage point, thus I felt the urge to participate in the POV show.

In one of these media establishments, I was watching a twilight worker (prostitute), and I overheard her justification for doing what she does.

I was thinking, “damn!” as I listened to her justification for what she was doing. A 360-degree perspective of a person is sometimes necessary.

Like the majority of individuals, Rira claims that she did not have positive feelings for those who sell their bodies. But after hearing that tale, her perspective was altered.

I had a derogatory opinion about the reasons why some women sell their bodies.

She described how she got there, and I wished we could comprehend why some people end there in certain places.

To allow listeners to view other people’s life from their (victims’) perspective was the aim of my podcast.

My podcast was inspired to start by that sex worker.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
