
MIB Management Company Explain Why They Ended Contract with Stevo Simple Boy

Men in Business Management Company (MIB) has ended its contract with singer Stephen Otieno Adera alias Stevo Simple Boy. The termination of the contract comes after a two-day meeting by the members of MIB.

MIB said that the decision to terminate the contract was made following “unrightful and unlawful allegations” made against the company by Stevo Simple Boy. The company also said that Stevo Simple Boy had made “a lot of lies” that had “destroyed the company’s reputation.”

MIB said that it will follow “lawful processes” during the 35-day transition period with Stevo Simple Boy. The company said that it will take all necessary steps to protect its interests during this time.

Stevo Simple Boy has not yet commented on the termination of his contract with MIB. However, he has previously accused the company of mismanagement and exploitation.

The termination of the contract between Stevo Simple Boy and MIB is a significant development in the singer’s career. Stevo Simple Boy is one of Kenya’s most popular musicians, and his music has been streamed millions of times on streaming platforms. The termination of his contract with MIB could have a significant impact on his career.

It remains to be seen what will happen to Stevo Simple Boy’s career after the termination of his contract with MIB. However, the singer has said that he is “not worried” about the future and that he is “looking forward to new challenges.”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
