
Pastor Muthee Kiengei called out for lying about his divorce

Muthee Kiengei, a well-known pastor and radio comedian, shared a story from his life at a recent sermon at JCM church that received mixed reviews from his fans.

Many questioned the veracity of Kiengei’s story when he stated that when he wed Ashley Mugure, his second wife, he had nothing to his name.

The father of two claimed that guests to his home mistook his use of firewood for a stove since he lacked adequate kitchenware.

“I did not have household utensils when I met my wife. But there is a story behind how I lost everything. I had a meko gas cooker and a table gas which was broken. It is not a long time ago.

She came with her gas cooker and a microwave that we still use today. She also came with a bed that had a very good mattress.

He continued by saying that he persuaded Mugure, who was still a student at the time, to bring her possessions when they first started dating.

However, numerous internet users questioned the veracity of Kiengei’s account in the comment section of hos post.

On the flip side, in a recent interview, Keziah Wa Kariuki, the ex-wife of pastor and radio comedian Muthee Kiengei, opened up about her heartbreak over his remarriage.

Keziah said that she was disappointed and heartbroken when she found out that Kiengei had remarried, even though they had been married in a church wedding.

“It was one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had,” she said. “I tried to hide my emotions for as long as I could, but it was just too much.”

Keziah attributed their marriage breakdown to their celebrity status. She said that their lifestyles led them to associate with people who may have strained their relationship.

“We were always surrounded by people,” she said. “It was hard to find time for just the two of us.”

Keziah said that she is still healing from the breakup, but she is grateful for the support of her family and friends. She is also looking forward to the future and starting a new chapter in her life.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
