
The hearing of two high-profile cases resumes today.

In the first case, six police officers are charged with the murder of two Kianjokoma brothers. The hearing resumes today with the court expected to issue fresh directions.

The brothers, Benson Ndwiga and Emmanuel Ndwiga, were arrested by police in Kianjokoma, Embu County, on August 2, 2021. Their bodies were found dumped on the roadside a few hours later, with multiple injuries.

The police officers have denied the charges.

In the second case, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is seeking to recover Sh170 million from former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu. The EACC claims that the money is proceeds of crime.

The EACC alleges that Waititu used his office to influence the tendering committee to favor Testimony Enterprises Limited, a firm that was awarded a Sh580 million roads tender by Kiambu County.

Testimony Enterprises Limited is also named as a respondent in the case.

The hearing of both cases resumes today at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
