
JuaCali Shares Story of Rejection That Led to Success

Image: King of Genge, Jua Cali speaks

JuaCali, one of the pioneers of genge music in Kenya, has shared a story of rejection that ultimately led to his success.

In 2004, JuaCali was shortlisted for a Trust campaign along with other artists. However, before he could be considered for the job, he had to go through an interview.

JuaCali took a matatu to town and then walked to the interview venue, which was located on Chancery Valley Road. When he arrived, he was served refreshments before being interviewed by a panel of two ladies.

One of the ladies asked JuaCali what car he drove. JuaCali was taken aback by the question, as he had come to the interview on foot. He told the ladies that he did not own a car and that he had taken a matatu to the interview.

The ladies then continued with the interview, but JuaCali knew that he was not going to get the job. He was told not to contact them until they contacted him.

JuaCali was disappointed, but he did not give up on his dreams. He continued to make music, and two years later, he was approached by Motorola to be their brand ambassador.

JuaCali’s story is a reminder that no one should ever give up on their dreams, no matter how many times they are rejected. He is proof that hard work and perseverance can eventually lead to success.

In his parting shot, JuaCali said, “I want to tell everyone that if you have a dream, don’t give up on it. Keep working hard and eventually you will achieve your goals.”

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
