
Woman found alive at her own funeral dies 1 week later

Bella Montoya, a 76-year-old woman from Ecuador, died on Friday after being declared dead, then revived.

Montoya was first pronounced dead at a hospital in Babahoyo, Ecuador, on June 9. However, mourners at her wake heard her knocking on her coffin, and she was rushed back to the hospital.

She was placed in intensive care and remained under close observation for seven days. On Friday, she died from an ischemic stroke.

Montoya’s son, Gilbert Barbera, said that his mother’s death was “a shock.” He added that she had been “under permanent surveillance” while at the hospital, and that her doctors had been “doing everything they could” to save her.

Local media reported that Montoya had a condition called catalepsy, which can cause people to appear dead even though they are still alive.

A commission of experts has been assembled by the Ecuadorian health ministry to review Montoya’s case.

Montoya’s death is not the first time that someone has been declared dead, then revived. In February, an 82-year-old woman in New York State was found to be breathing while lying in a funeral home. She had been pronounced dead three hours earlier at a nursing home.

These cases highlight the importance of being careful when declaring someone dead. Even if a person appears to be dead, there is always a chance that they could still be alive.

In Montoya’s case, her family is grateful that she was given a second chance at life. However, her death is a reminder that even the most unexpected things can happen.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
