
President Ruto Finds KSh 100 Note During Winas Sacco Opening

President William Ruto found a KSh 100 note during the opening of Winas Sacco in Embu town on Wednesday.

The president was addressing a crowd of people when someone handed him a piece of paper. Ruto looked at the paper and said that it was a KSh 100 note that had been dropped on the ground.

“Whose KSh 100 note is this?” Ruto asked the crowd.

No one came forward to claim the money. Ruto then said that he would keep the money and use it to buy a goat for a feast.

The crowd laughed and cheered. Ruto then continued with his address.

The incident was a light moment during a serious event. The opening of Winas Sacco is a sign of economic growth in Embu. The sacco will provide loans to small businesses, which will help to create jobs and boost the local economy.

President Ruto’s willingness to find the owner of the KSh 100 note shows his concern for the people of Embu. He is committed to helping the people of Embu improve their lives.

The incident also shows that the people of Embu are honest. No one came forward to claim the money, even though it was a large sum of money. This shows that the people of Embu have a strong moral compass.

The opening of Winas Sacco and President Ruto’s willingness to find the owner of the KSh 100 note are both positive signs for the future of Embu. The sacco will help to create jobs and boost the local economy, and President Ruto’s commitment to helping the people of Embu will improve their lives.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
