
Mtoto ni wa nani? Inconclusive DNA results hinder inheritance case in Mombasa

A woman who was seeking a share of her deceased father’s estate has been dealt a blow after a DNA test gave an inconclusive result. The test showed that there was a 32.7% chance that the woman was the father’s biological daughter, but it was not definitive. This means that the court cannot determine whether or not the woman is entitled to a share of the estate.

The woman, who has been identified as CWK, is the daughter of the deceased’s brother. She filed a claim for a share of the estate after her father died in 2020. However, the deceased’s siblings objected to her claim, arguing that she was not their brother’s biological daughter.

The court ordered a DNA test to be conducted to determine the woman’s paternity. The test results showed that there was a 32.7% chance that the woman was the father’s biological daughter. This means that the test was inconclusive and did not provide a definitive answer to the question of paternity.

As a result of the inconclusive DNA test, the court has not yet made a decision on whether or not to grant the woman’s claim. The court has ordered that another set of DNA tests be conducted, this time including more close relatives of the deceased. The court hopes that these additional tests will provide a more definitive answer to the question of paternity.

The woman’s case highlights the importance of DNA testing in cases of disputed paternity. DNA testing can provide a definitive answer to the question of who a child’s biological parents are. This can be important in cases where there is a dispute over inheritance or child support.

If you are involved in a case where paternity is in question, you should speak to an attorney about your options. An attorney can help you understand the legal process and can advise you on the best course of action.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
