
I didn’t attend Jeff’s funeral because… – DJ Fatxo

DJ Fatxo of Mugiithi has explained why he was unable to attend Jeff Mwathi’s funeral.

The well-known Mugiithi singer DJ Fatxo spoke candidly about skipping Jeff Mwathi’s funeral during an interview with Massawe Japanni on Radio Jambo.

Fatxo voiced his apprehension about going to the funeral because of the false narrative that has been spread by bloggers and could potentially cause harm.

He said that his mother had asked the singer Samidoh to step in and make arrangements for Fatxo to attend the funeral, but it appeared that the family was not amenable.

“My mother tried to call the family through Samidoh, (Jeff’s uncle) but the family seemed to be blocking me.”

Fatxo acknowledged that he didn’t have access to Jeff’s mother when asked if he had spoken to her personally.

Additionally, he asserted that as a result of the incident, he was refused access to Jeff’s family.

“The family has already formed their conclusion that I am responsible for their son’s demise. I have never mustered the courage to contact her. The news spread rapidly, and I am aware that she still harbors resentment.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
