
DJ Fatxo Denies LGBTQ Allegations

Renowned Mugiithi artiste Lawrence Njuguna, popularly known as DJ Fatxo, has denied allegations that he is a member of the LGBTQ community and that he was involved in the death of designer Jeff Mwathi.

Mwathi died on February 22, 2023, after falling from the 12th floor of Redwood Apartments in Kasarani, where DJ Fatxo lives. The two had been friends for several years.

In an interview with Nairobi News, DJ Fatxo said he was shocked by the allegations and that he had never been involved in any homosexual activity. He also denied bribing the authorities to cover up his involvement in Mwathi’s death.

“I did not expect to face further allegations after all the investigations that have been done,” he said. “People are saying that I bribed influential people. How much money do they think I have? If I were financially able, would I be living in a rented house? I would have my own house.”

DJ Fatxo also said that he was saddened by the death of his friend and that he had nothing to do with it. He said that he had invited Mwathi to his home as a gesture of love and care.

“I thought inviting him into my home was an act of pure love and care for a friend who lived far away,” he said. “They should not rely solely on the narrative circulating online, but see the genuine affection I had for him.”

DJ Fatxo’s denials have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have expressed support for him, while others have continued to believe the allegations.

Dj Fatxo

The ODPP has recommended an inquest into Mwathi’s death. The inquest is expected to shed more light on the circumstances surrounding his death.

In the meantime, DJ Fatxo has vowed to clear his name and to continue with his music career.

“I have bled for Jeff more than some people you see online,” he said. “The real battle is about talent and the divine gifts God has given us.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
