
“Her aunt tells me she only needs 2M, 8M they will use to build flats” Family wrangles rock Njambi Koikai’s fundraising

Njambi Koikai needs 10 million to undergo specialized treatment for endometriosis. Njambi’s aunt however claims she only needs 2 million for the treatment.

Family wrangles is threatening Njambi Koikai’s fundraising drive. Some relatives of the sickly Trend panelist claim the money being raised will be used to put up flats on the land belonging to Njambi Koikai’s grandmother.

Close relatives are spreading malicious and damaging information

Njambi Koikai says close relatives who have not been supportive are deliberately spreading malicious information. She explains that she shared her journey from 2015 when she started battling endometriosis.

Njambi says her mom and sister have been paying her medical bills until recently when doctors advised her to go for a special treatment in America which costs 10 million.

“It has come to my attention that false information is being shared about the cost of my treatment. I’ve shared my journey from 2015 and the public is aware of this endometriosis battle. My Mom, my sis and I have met all our medical bills even after my grandmother passed away.

“It’s also quite disappointing to note that close relatives, who have not been supportive are spreading malicious and damaging information.It is with utmost sincerity that I came out to ask for help because thoracic endometriosis is a rare condition and the specialists dealing with it are in America,” writes Njambi Koikai.

8 million shillings has so far been raised for Njambi Koikai’s treatment. The Trend panelist still needs 2 million to travel to US for the treatment.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
