
Otile Brown gives kienyeji crush a chance

Otile Brown is one of the celebrities who finds himself being the most desired bachelor in Kenya at the moment. As a result by now he is accustomed to dealing with a lot of female attention.

The secret formula: Why Otile Brown is so successful

So I’m sure it probably did not come as a shock to him that there is a Kenyan woman, a kienyeji, who had her eyes Set on him – if anything she was just a drop in the ocean.

But when she shot her shot at Otile Brown, she did so in a very unique way: She tattooed his name on her and while this might be a problem in her future relationships it got her the attention she wanted at the moment.

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As a result of which, Otile I’ve decided he’s going to reward her fanaticism with a date and who knows love may blossom yet!


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
