
Kibe calls out single mothers for hiding their kids “ocha”

Kibe hapendi ujinga! And as a result of this he decided to call out all the single mothers who usually hide their children up country like they are unwanted specs of dust and that. And boy was his average in his call out.

He was speaking to the fact that a lot of Nairobi girls are actually single mothers but they hide this fact by taking their offspring to their mothers kule ocha who are dentist with raising their kids. These mothers in effect become part-time parents usually traveling to their rural home every other week.

According to Kibe this is why a lot of young women seem to have the wires and tears associated with mother’s yet they are as young as 18 years old. Then we see them on Instagram flaunting their child-rearing hips as if they naturally acquired them while still being untouched by the changes motherhood brings about.

Kibe was laughing at the fact that some of them have also experienced the changes that are occasioned by breastfeeding babies yet when they’re dealing with men they try to price themselves on the same level as virginal young women whose value according to him is the highest.


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About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
