
Jacky Vike Opens Up On Suffering Mental Illness

actress Jacky Vike has opened up on suffering mental illness after Akothee penned a message of encouragement to her followers.

Akothee admonished her followers on so many things that she thought can cause mental breakdown.


It’s The body struggling with a mind trying to die.
Don’t Allow it Speak up
Stop dying in silence.
1.If someone is threatening you with Nudes tell them to release them today.
2.If you don’t feel welcomed on a table ,don’t fix your chair ,walk out of the room with immediate effect .
3. If someone is constantly attacking and bullying you ,serve them with the law
4. If your children can’t listen to you ,let go The world will soon bring them back
5. If your spouse is never coming back at home ,stop worrying you can’t change A man ,You must learn to change first THINK OF YOU & the life of your children in your absence ????
Any man who doesn’t come back home to his family,is a selfish man and his life revolves around him, Release mwandano

6. If your siblings/ extended family is causing you sleeplessness , take a break disconnect for sometime.
7. If you have a toxic boss or toxic working environment, my dear Speak out or Exit before depression Exists you from the World
8. If you have toxic friends , resist and desist,speak out ,tell them how you feel they are treating you . SPEAK OUT
9. If you have Loans Debts , don’t switch off your phone. Call your Debtors, if it’s the bank ,visit them tell them to take what they want and start from Zero again .
10. If it’s your landlord 10 calls ,messages and wassaps he sending is not worth it . RELEASE THE HOUSE ,start afresh
11. If someone is not committing to marry you ,don’t push ,he is enjoying the goodies he willl soon Mary his choice of what a wife is for him ,so enjoy the moment too.
12. If you are struggling to get pregnant,you are not alone ,I lost mine in December,and I am not yet pregnant,go on your duties as usual don’t make it a subject.
14. If you have baby daddy / baby mama Issues
Inbox me let’s have a chart .
15. You can’t control everything,at times you will have to let GO,” Akothee wrote.

In response to the encouragement, actress Jacky admitted that she has suffered some of the above; but has managed to overcome them.

”#MentalHealth I have experienced a few of the above and wueh , let me just say iam happy i overcame them,” Vike wrote.
However, she did not divulge exactly what she underwent.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
