
DJ Fatxo goes to church to celebrate new case developments

DJ Fatxo made his way to church to celebrate new investigation findings that hint at the unlikely dismissal of all charges against him. He is finally vindicated in the matter pertaining to the query into the death of Jeff Mwathi, a young entrepreneur and interior designer who mysteriously met his end after partying with a DJ and his entourage.

DJ Fatxo and his girlfriend celebrate his birthday

While this is awesome news for the DJ it is terrible news for Jeff Mwathi’s mother who has been crying pleading and begging for police officers to investigate the matter seriously as she places the blame for her son’s death at Fatxo’s feet.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

And as we have been saying all along we should all remember when discussing the intriguing case that Fatxo is innocent until proven guilty. Assumption of innocence is a MainStay of our judicial process with good reason.


The DJ decided to celebrate the news at KAG Church Engineer (Kenya Assemblies of God). And you can check out how that went below:

KAG Church Engineer muri arathime thanks for the warm reception

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
