
Deceased socialite’s family refutes claims she died smuggling d.rug.s

The family of the deceased socialite Brenda better known on social me Brendalicious811 has come forward to deny the claims that she had perished while transporting drugs for her Nigerian boyfriend.

Kenyan socialite reportedly dies transporting d.ru.gs in Malaysia

The rumours had circulated on social media after Kenyans living in Malaysia had highlighted her death and claimed that that was what the report from the hospital was. However, her family has stepped forward to clarify that she had actually perished after suffering from mycoplasma pneumonia septicemia.

We would like to condole with the family and also help clarify that according to them and the documents they have presented from the hospital in Malaysia Brenda’s cause of death was not drug trafficking but rather a respiratory illness.

May Brenda’s soul rest in peace.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
