
Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika promises justice for Jeff Mwathi

Jeff Mwathi met his end under unclear circumstances that unfolded after a night of merrymaking with his potential client, DJ Fatxo, his cousin, their driver and three female friends. Details are fuzzy about what exactly happened before the young interior designer plummeted to his death but one thing is; there was a conspiracy to keep things obfuscated.

All we know is that they were together, Jeff fell from the 8th floor, Kasarani Police officers declared his death a self-deletion and DJ Fatxo has been a confusing mess of contradictory information that anyone with a brain would not dare to believe.

The DCI got involved following the outcry from the public and they are now not just investigating the matter of Jeff Mwathi’s death as a homicide but are also investigating Kasarani Police Station for its involvement in the matter.

Details On Why Jeff Mwathi’s Body Was Re-Buried Shortly After Exhumation (Video)

And a lot of politicians have also gotten involved in the fiasco with the latest being Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika who has vowed to follow through to the end to see Jeff Mwathi receives justice.

She went on to declare a veiled threat to DJ Fatxo and everyone involved saying she will push to the very end of the investigations and prosecution for justice’s heavy hammer to fall on them.

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
