
Real reason revealed: DJ Brownskin Fullu Fullu’s wife didn’t die from drinking poison

DJ Brownskin is currently getting roasted by Kenyans after a video surfaced that shows him recording a self-deletion attempt by his wife. She had made a poisonous concoction which she then drinks and he watches her do so without moving a muscle.

DJ Brownskin is not responsible for his wife’s self deletion

Kenyans are under the wrong impression; they think this was what led her to her death. It wasn’t. After she drank her poison, he rushed her to a hospital (despite what the video shows) and she managed to make a full recovery.

If he is guilty of anything from that video, it is of showing such poor judgement that he made a recording of her and then shared said recording. He was right to make the recording because it would serve as evidence of the mental instability she was dealing with in the event of a divorce and child custody battle.

But what is of concern is the fact that the video was leaked months after DJ Brownskin’s wife successfully committed suicide and was interred back in August 2022. Why has it taken so long for the video to surface and to what ends?

And why isn’t the full story being shared as well? The DJ’s wife self-deleted by hanging, not by ingesting poison. And she chose to do all that in front of the couple’s children. That is not a mentally stable individual and to continue attacking DJ Brownskin Fullu Fullu is wrong.

Especially when you find out that she had a history of self-deletion attempts. The couple’s neighbours have come out to reveal that Njeri was depressed but also had serious mental health issues for which she never sought any help. What was DJ Brownskin to do?

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
