
More Of A Preacher Than A Comedian- Pastor Ng’ang’a Is Right About Eric Omondi

Controversial preacher Pastor Ng’ang’a has termed Eric Omondi as a prophet of doom following his recent video lashing out at gospel artists for laxity amongst other social ills.

According to Eric, most Kenyan Gospel artists are behaving in an uncouth manner and mis-leading Kenyans that they’re following the Godly ways.

Pastor Ng’ang’a doesn’t disagree with the jester. As a matter of fact, he claims that Eric should transition from comedy to being a preacher.

“Kuna kijana mmoja nimeona ameongea hapo nani Eric Omondi, Eric Omondi sijui ka ulijui nani alikuwa anaongea ndani yako but the way you acted that nilikuwa mimi sikupendi, nilikuwa sikupendi Eric Omondi lakini vile umeongea mimi ni mzee ni vile umeongea nimeskia ni roho ya Mungu imetumika kufikia waimbaji” stated Ng’ang’a.

Eric’s Diminishing Comedy Career

He c0ntinued to admonish Eric to change his ways and become  preacher after his rant.

“Eric Omondi if you see this and repent, you can be a big preacher. Ukiacha sarakasi. Juu huyo ni nabii alikua anaongea ndani yako. Mimi sikua nakupenda lakini vile niliskia ukikemea waimbaji.. nimependa. You have a big ministry inside you but the devil has stolen you.”

The comedian has been on an interview spree where he has addressed anyone who dares cross his sentiments. But to be honest, Eric isn’t focusing more on his comical career like before. Maybe he should heed Ng’ang’as words and join the ministry as a preacher. He claims he was once a preacher. Maybe it’s just his calling now, rather than comedy.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
