
Kenyans are hypocrites for going after Bahati and his bhangi gang

Bahati was caught in a video hanging out with a group of friends who for some reason decided was smoking weed and the internet has gone crazy trying to get him to castigate his friends or term on them, perhaps even denounce them.

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And I’m just sitting here wondering when Kenyans became so self-sanctimonious. Who is it who told Kenyans that bhangi is something that goes against the teachings of God? From my understanding when God created vegetation he looked at his Creations and was pleased by everything is saw.

Mueni Bahati with daddy

So where do Kenyans get off telling Bahati that he needs to turn on his friends? It also bears mentioning that Bahati grew up in one of the most dangerous slums in the country. Mathare slums where most disenfranchised youth often turn to drugs such as marijuana to escape their unpleasant reality.

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So unbeknownst to as he might have a friend group that is mingled with individuals who use weed recreationally. That does not mean that they are bad human beings or that they’re leading him astray. If anything it just shows how pompous Kenyans are when it comes to their opinions about the drug which is often misinformed and misguided.


I mean, sure it goes against the legal code (or is it called the penal code?) that has outlawed marijuana. However, that is not a code that we as indigenous Africans came up with but is a vestige of colonial penal systems that were heavily biased against Africans and a lot of indigenous African culture and customs.

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So if we’re going to engage in a conversation around Bahati and his friends who were spotted smoking marijuana, then we also have to have a holistic conversation about our perception of marijuana and body autonomy. Because the singer himself did nothing wrong and wasn’t even spotted smoking anything he was company seated in a group of friends so why is this being used as a casual to bash his cranium in?

Why is anything and everything used as an excuse by Kenyans to bash our cell who were silently minding their own business? Come on guys, we need to do better, be better. We shouldn’t always be looking for an excuse to bash Bahati. Let the man live! And even if he decides for some reason unbeknownst to us to smoke marijuana that has nothing to do with us he’s a grown man who was made a decision the same way we do not attack other artists to drink.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
