
Charlene Ruto has embarked on her political career

Everything we have been seeing Charlene Ruto (William Ruto’s daughter) do over the past few days has led me to believe she is embarking on a political career, well, at least testing the water.

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The reason I say this is it seems President Ruto is grooming his daughter by allowing her to taste not just some responsibilities associated with an elevated office (the contrived office of the first daughter is a good example of this) but also allowing her to interact with powerful individuals from all over the world so that she networks.

Make no mistake about it why she not related to him she would not have been afforded such lofty office because her resume is threadbare at best. However, due to the fact she is who she is, she has been afforded a state position that even veteran ambassadors and international relations specialists could only dream of.

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That is because the president is gearing up for what I can only assume to be the Makings of a Dynasty. She is hoping to pass the baton over to one of his kids after his political career is done and from the look of things Charlene Ruto is the front-runner.

Unfortunately, while her father could run on the “hustler” gimmick she herself will have to create her own as what we have seen is just how far out-of-touch she is from the common man thanks to her father’s position in the political arena since the time of her birth.

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That is to say that Charlene Ruto lacks the common touch. She’s not a mwananchi. She grew up with a silver spoon and that is why even as she narrated her side hustle of selling smokey pursuer and boiled eggs while in university no one truly believed her.

While that might seem like a terrible thing it really isn’t because it has been caught early enough not to develop into a political Achilles heel. If anything she and her handlers should be thanking the gods that while her career is still in its fledgling state they have managed to identify something that could have developed into a pitfall and can now walk to remedy it.

Given the Kenyan voting trends of the past few decades, it’s a safe assumption that her father Ruto will be in office for two times. That gives her slightly under a decade for her to begin to craft her image to remedy the assumption most have of her.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
