
Nana Owiti gets real about the complications of toxic Co-parenting

Nana Owiti who is married to rapper king Kaka recently shared a moving post on the importance of healthy Co-parenting; schooling parents on why whether in good or bad terms they should always create a healthy environment for their kids.

Well, having seen how some of your favorite celebrities are handling coparenting (Mulamwah, Obinna and the rest) looks like Nana Owiti chose the right time to share her knowledge on this topic.

Nana Owiti with son, prince Iroma and Nanny’s son, Royal

As seen on her detailed long post – the mother of three urged all parents to always put their children first. Nothing else matters if the children you’re raising have to put up with toxic traits in a family. It never leaves them and sad part – they grow and become the people you molded them to become. Toxic.

The BEST gift you will ever give your children will always remain to be a happy marriage/ partnership. Your first obligation as a parent is not to bring chaos into your kid’s lives.


According to Nana Owiti co parenting means sacrifice, dedication, humility and patience. In this case its a matter of giving the kid(s) 100% and ensuring the other parent also has full access; and not dragging them into unnecessary issues;

Nana Owiti with son, Prince Iroma

To those Co-parenting: Every Child has the right to have FULL 100% access to both parents. It’s not about dividing the child’s time among the parents(50/50) it’s about dividing the parent’s time to ensure that the child gets 100% access to both parents all the time regardless of any logistics.

Well I guess she understands what she is talking about especially since we all know hubby, King Kaka had a child on the side with singer Sage; and since we rarely see the kid on family photos means iko kitu. No?

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
