
Frankie Just Gym it reveals why he would still pick Corazon Kwamboka over Maureen Waititu

Image: Frankie exposed by baby mama, Corazon Kwamboka

Frankie Just Gym It who is celebrity gym trainer is out here giving interviews about his baby mamas and truth is – he still can’t find it in himself to sort of forgive his first baby mama Maureen Waititu.

Maureen Waititu and Frankie

The fella kinda made this obvious during recent interview opening up about his past and current life. Speaking during an interview with Tanzanian , the fella opened up about dating women with no father figures in their lives.

From how he put, it appears that Frankie Just Gym It blames these women issues on their absent fathers who unfortunately turned them to ladies with daddy issues. Speaking about the two baby mamas, Frankie said;

The women who I’ve been with the two ladies who I’ve been with, they didn’t have the father figure. Corazon and I have talked about it. She’s never had a father figure, her dad wasn’t really there full time. So when the dad would come around she would ask him for something.

Friends over drama

Having had it rough with Maureen Waititu who blocked and denied him access to the boys after their ugly breakup; looks like Frankie Just Gym It no longer sees anything positive in her.

This is after he revealed who he would choose between Maureen or Corazon incase he wanted to get back to any. Not that it surprises us but Frankie Just Gym It openly chose Corazon saying;

Obviously Corazon because we talk every day and I get to access the kids when I want to, so there are no issues there.

Wait….he just did that when Maureen Waititu celebrated him on Father’s Day applauding him for a job well done. And now……weuh! Anyway watch the interview here.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
