
Tedd Josiah Elated For Daughter’s Tremendous Growth, Advices Men To Bond More With Their Children

Ex-music producer and businessman Tedd Josiah has shared some shrewd message to men with families. His vast experience as both a mum & dad has helped him to gain experience in raising her only daughter Wendo; who was only three months when her mother passed on.

The baton was passed over to Tedd, who was forced to raise baby Wendo all by himself. His dedication beared fruits as she recently started schooling. Josiah couldn’t hide his exuberance as he flaunted his daughter in school uniform; stating how happy he was her daughter achieving the milestone.

Read also;Dad girl goals! Tedd Josiah over the moon as daughter joins school

Tedd Josiah Mourns The Death Of His Wife (Photos)
Tedd Josiah with his late wife Reginah & their daughter Wendo-Google

Josiah’s Message

That being said, Josiah has sent a detailed message to fathers, admonishing them to spend more time with their kids rather than just providing for them.

”To watch Wendo grow is amazing! As a man i must admit that maybe if her mother was there I’d not have had this VERY hands on way that i have had to adapt. It’s shown me one thing….. men don’t really focus on bonding in love with their children; we pay fees, we buy food, provide shelter…. And all those things that money buys but we hardly ever focus on the things money can’t buy like, holding them, washing them, loving on them, laughing and playing with them, being nurturing and showing them emotions and how to work through emotions… we leave that to mothers. Wait until you have no option but to be a mother……. I thank God He helped me become a better human and has helped me grow.
As we grow @jokajokluxuryleather for future generations i also pray Wendo “Love” becomes a beacon of love ❤️ and an Empress running an Empire that’s black owned & provides jobs to our people ????????????????
LIVE ???? LOVE ???? LAUGH ????”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
