
Nyota Ndogo Receives Gift Worth Millions From Her Mzungu Hubby (Video)

Coast based musician Nyota Ndogo is delighted after the return of her hubby Henning Nielsen; who had been out of the country for several months. The 40 year old musician welcomed him as she expressed her joy after meeting the love of her life at the airport a few days ago;

”Ngasema ngamiss ngablack ngake. Ngajileta mwenyewe. Love is something else usicheze na love

Sabuni ya moyo wangu. Karibu nyumbani.”

Nyota Ndogo Excited As She Re-Unites With Her Mzungu Hubby
Nyota Ndogo welcomes her husband home-Google

Read Also; Nyota Ndogo Excited As She Re-Unites With Her Mzungu Hubby

Nyota Ndogo and her hubby Henning Nielsen got separated for months after a fools day prank that went haywire. The musician lied to Henning that she was pregnant and this seemed to have agitated him a lot; since they had agreed not to have kids.

Apology Gift

Anyway, in order to accept Henning’s apology over the previous silence spree, Nyota Ndogo requested him to buy a car for her;

”Kidogo I was sad nilimuuliza why umenifanya nikalia hivyo then akasema sorry. Ungependa nikufanyie nini huzuni iondoke. Then hapa nikajibu. My love unajua hii Gari yangu nataka iwe ya @nyotandogo_jikoni. Sasa utanipoza ukininunulia Sasa Gari ya nyota ndogo ya kwenda show. Then he was like OK. Sasa tungoje………”

Barely less than a week later, Nyota Ndogo has received a brand new BMW from her husband. She flaunted the sumptuous gift on her Instagram as she captioned;

”kwanza kabisa nataka kutoa Shukran zangu kwa MUNGU

Ahsante kwa MUNGU kwakunipa mume ambae nikikohoa tu anasikiza. Haya wanasema nimemroga haya na wewe kamroge mumeo pia akusikilize kama munaona kuroga ndio kuskizwa. ”

Below is the video;

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
