
Why All The Talk About Nana Owiti Got Me Thinking About Sage Chemutai

Image: Sage Chemutai

Sage Chemutai came to mind as I watched King Kaka’s wife become the toast of the town after she took care of her ailing husband, King Kaka, a man who was reportedly at death’s door after being misdiagnosed -that seems to happen a lot in Kenya doesn’t it?

Sage Chemutai is back with ‘Tindikali’ alongside Rigga and we love it (Audio)

Can you imagine getting sick, going to the doctor -something most men find hard to do (I know because I have seen my father sick at home and he’d have to be taken kicking and screaming to hosi by my mother) only for the quack to misdiagnose you?! That must be frustrating.

But all the cheering of Nana Owiti as I said, only made me think harder about Sage. Apart from packing on the pounds, she has been busy working for what seems to be an angel investor of some sort that seeks to to only mentor but sink funds into start ups.

Where did Sage Chemutai disappear to?

I don’t know whether you remember the scandal that Sage and King Kaka occasioned back when we -or rather I- was in primary school after they had an affair that resulted in a love child, their daughter.

Sage Chemutai

And with the father of her daughter being grievously ill, was she present for his journey or did she stay away from him? And what about their daughter? Did she allow her daughter to be around her ailing father or was she simply kept away?

King Kaka’s shares lovely message to his daughter with singer Sage as she clocks 4 years old 

These are some of the quest ions I have found myself wondering whenever the name Nana Owiti comes up. Another interesting contrast is how she saw her career get a rise in visibility as a media personality while Sage saw her music career take a back seat as she focus on a more corporate oriented gig.

King Kaka on his part has been famously silent about Sage. He doesn’t even publicly toast their daughter. Perhaps there is a court order that stops him from addressing the young one or perhaps it is down to him not wanting to draw any attention to the rather public failing that led to the conception of his daughter, Ayanna?

King Kaka Praises Wife Nana Owiti For Seeing Him Through His Illness And Recovery Process

But whatever the case may be, we are all just left wondering whether Sage actually reaches out to King Kaka because she has not mentioned a peep nor whisper about the man who reportedly lost a whopping 33 KGs due to his illness.

I am also very curious about her dating life but I must commend her for being silent and keeping that aspect of her life private because lord knows it would only draw unwelcomed parallels between her man and King Kaka from opinionated people like me.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
