
Loitiptip ex-files: Lessons men need to learn about controlling women

Image: Anwar Loitiptip is accused of assaulting Aeedah Bambi

Anwar Loitiptip is under the microscope because he is alleged to have pummelled his wife, socialite Aeedah Bambi, and this apparently started and partially happened in public at the Bahati album launch.

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According to the narrative being shared by witnesses, he went ape-shit ballistic because he thought she was flirting with other men -and I need all the men reading this to take note of what I just said… A sitting senator is accused of battering his wife because she was talking to “local celebrities”.

That is the greatest sign this man, this senator, Anwar Loitiptip, is a low-value man. And he is so low value that he is threatened by non-consequential men. And I am sure there are some cavemen saying what he did was right for him to defend his marriage but only troglodytes do things like this.

Karma? Aeedah Bambi allegedly beaten black and blue by Senator Anwar Loitiptip, she responds

You see, he was trying to control and alter her behaviour perhaps based on who he is and his lived experience or perhaps because he has seen her past flirty behaviour (especially given the history of how they got together while he was cheating on Saumu Mbuvi).

Aeedah Bambi
Aeedah Bambi

But however you chop this up, Anwar Loitiptip has exemplified the lowest of the low-value male behaviour. And I am not here to pontificate from a moral perspective but rather to let you all know that any man with a modicum of value and who knows he is the prize would not tolerate a woman he is with flirting with other men but he would simply have walked away. And do you know why he would have walked away? Because he would have options.

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If as a man, you want to control flirtatious behaviour in your relationship and marriage, you have already failed and deserved for her to keep doing what she does. Why? Because that behaviour is controlled from the very beginning.

Aeedah Bambi
Aeedah Bambi with Anwar Loitiptip

How? By displaying said high value. Women know men with high value and they know that these men have options. That creates a phenomenon known as “competition anxiety”. Intuitively, your woman knows she is competing for you with other women, she will self-police her own behaviour.

Aeedah Bambi showers Senator Loitiptip with praises weeks after snatching him from Saumu Mbuvi

Anwar Loitiptip has indicated that he is not high value enough to have multiple options. And he has also shown the world that he lacks the intellect to address issues without getting violent. What he needs to do is to leave this relationship and start again.

And the next time he pursues a woman, he needs to realize that he is the prize, being a man of power and means. And he doesn’t have to tolerate nonsense from any of them because he can replace them easily. Unless ofcourse Anwar is unaware that he can elevate himself to become that man. Low self esteem?

And he needs therapy too. He needs help unlearning these more harmful behaviours he has exemplified.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
