
Anerlisa Muigai and family mark first death anniversary of late sister, Tecra Muigai (Photos)

Image: Edward, Anerlisa and Tecra.

Yesterday marked the first death anniversary of Keroche heiress, Tecra Muigai’s.

A beautiful soul and a beauty that was reported dead last year on 2nd May; following an unexplained staircase accident that cost her life.

The late Tecra Muigai

Being the daughter of Keroche Breweries owners; of course her death had to be investigated by the best especially after the postmortem examination indicated that Tecra might have died from trauma to the skull.

Her lover Omar Lali was then arrested and detained as the murder investigation went on; and in a couple of weeks he was released following court orders; as their was no evidence to tie him to the murder.

Tecra Muigai and Omar Lali

Celebrating 1 year

It has however been a year since Tecra was declared dead and although this was one of the toughest times in the Muigai’s family; on Sunday 2nd 2021 they all gathered to celebrate their lost daughter in a low key event held at their home.

From the posts shared by elder sister, Anerlisa Muigai – we understand that the event was attended by only close friends and family. In one post share wrote;

Gone but never forgotten

And in another;

The scariest thing about life is that you don’t know the hour nor the day you will breath your last. May we all turn to God.


These were Tecra’s favorite flowers. Always celebrate your loved ones with what they loved and that will make you feel closer to them.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
