
Hilarious! Why Bahati’s first born daughter feels step-mum, Diana Marua is ugly (Video)

Women are funny! They are born with the idea of perfection and we can’t blame Mueni Bahati who recently referred to her step mum Diana Marua as ugly.

Diana Marua with step daughter – Mueni Bahati

This is after the 4 year old got to see Diana Marua without makeup and the wigs she often steps out wearing. Of course with no foundation to conceal the blemishes, lipstick and the soft long hair Mueni is used to seeing on Diana; the young girl couldn’t help but see the ‘ugliness’ Marua has in her natural looks.

As seen on the video, the 4 year old boldly tells her mummy;

Bahati's girlfriend hanging out with his daughter, Mueni Bahati
Bahati’s girlfriend hanging out with his daughter, Mueni Bahati

When you put make up on your face and wear a wig you look nice

Diana bonding with Mueni

Well of course being a mum of 3 already – Diana Marua understands how a child’s mind works; and being the best mum she can be to Bahati’s kids – the lass went on to engage the conversation with Mueni saying;

Diana Marua with Mueni Bahati

When I put on makeup and wear a wig I look so nice? So are you trying to say I am ugly?

To which Mueni responded by nodding her head for a yes answer. But of course we do understand that she did not mean it. Seeing how Diana acts around this young baby girl proves that not all step mums are evil like in the movies.

Anyway below is the adorable video of Ms Diana Marua bonding time with baby girl, Mueni Bahati before being called ugly.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
