
Bitter till the end: Mwalimu Rachel not doing herself any favours by ribbing Sailors

Image: Mwalimu Rachel with Sailors

Mwalimu Rachel is back to talking about Sailors -or rather referencing them in a subliminal message and no one is here for it. It should be remembered that she was at one point their manager and financier before they had a very public and brutal falling out.

Still bitter? Mwalimu Rachel mocks Sailors Gang months after parting ways with the ‘Wamlambez’ hit makers!

When the issues first came to the fore, it was found that Mwalimu Rachel was exercising an inordinate level of control over their YouTube channel and even certain aspects of their careers. This flew in the face of the fact that they were going through some severe financial times.

Mwalimu Rachel
Presenter Mwalimu Rachel

When the Kenyan public was made aware of this, they were not happy about what Mwalimu Rachel was doing, with many beginning to view her as part of the system that preys on the talents of young, naive and inexperienced artists.

“Sail On” Mwalimu Rachel and Sailors finally part ways in peace

So why she would choose to take a potshot at Sailors is beyond me. She actually did it in a way that was interesting, boasting about her ability to have organized for them a collaboration with Jamaican Dancehall star Konshens.

Mwalimu Rachel
Mwalimu Rachel spent night behind bars following assault on upcoming artiste

But this raised the question of “Who asked you?”

The arrogance of Mwalimu Rachel in dispute with Sailors is off-putting

She is seeming more and more like a petty tyrant, someone who is incapable of simply letting bygones be bygones. She seems to derive some perverse pleasure from whipping at the young men rather than moving on to discover the next hot Gengeton group.

Mwalimu Rachel
Mwalimu Rachel’s Tweet

You see, Sailors themselves do not reference her anymore. They are focused on whatever it is they are doing but Mwalimu rachel isn’t one of those pursuits. So it smacks of latent anger that she is still talking about them.

Mwalimu Rachel: Sailors have no one to blame but themselves

There is a song I like by Jay Z called “Lost Ones” in which he starts off by referencing his falling out with Damond Dash where he says “I heard some motherfers say that they made Hov/ I’m like, well, Ok, make another Hov”.

Simply put, if Mwalimu Rachel believes she is the person who made Sailors who they are artistically, then let her focus her energies on creating another group rather than telling us things no one has ever asked her about.

Because it beggers the question of whether she was behind the collaboration between Ethic Entertainment and Konshens. But at the end of the day, only Bitter Bettys sit back and continue to pine about past relationships. The smart play here is for her to finally move on once and for all.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
