Fresh air: Mejja is back to doing his hilarious brand of music
Image: Illest Genge rapper MejjaMejja is back to doing his creative style of Genge. He and DJ Nephas have teamed up to give us a track called Ulimi Yangu which is a breath of fresh air. Why? Because our music scene has been inundated with Gengetone and most of the songs of the genre are party anthems.
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While there is nothing wrong with the fact, Mejja is giving us something most of us hadn’t even noticed we missed: something different. And he did so in a way only he could deliver on. The jam and it’s music video are actually rather hilarious and great entertainment.

Granted, the beats are very Gengeton-esque but he talks about something a lot of people can relate to: your tongue getting you into trouble regardless of the good intentions you have. It is said after all that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Anyway, the song starts with Mejja narrating how his day seemed to be going well as his woman was in a romantic mood. While she was in that vibe, she prepared food for him unprompted and poured her love into it. This capped an already dope day as he had just paid all his pressing bills. However, when asked what he thought of the food, he said it could do with more spices. She was not amused. To top off an already bad situation, she asked to go out and he agreed but criticized her sense of fashion and that compounded the already bad situation leading to a tiff.

Later in the day, he attempts to help a woman who is getting pickpocketed but when he intervenes, he gets beaten up and onlookers laugh at him. He swore off ever getting involved. And in the final verse, he leads his coworkers in staging a protest over pay at the mjengo they work at. That ended badly when they turned on him and he was kicked off the site while they got to enjoy the benefits he fought for.
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The song is made really dope by his wordplay and his cadence and flow. That is one area Mejja has never suffered at. He comes through effortlessly with the humour aswell and he is simply telling a story to us as if we are his boys at the “base”.
You can see why he works well with others when he mixes his style with others in the collaboration jams. This song serves as a reply to Shakillah who doubted that this guy is among the best MCs in Kenya.
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