Seth Gor’s domestic violence experience shows just how biased the media is
Image: Seth GorSeth Gor has recently come out to give his side of the story in which his ex-girlfriend decided to accuse him of being abusive in their relationship and she had an O/B number to prove that she had reported him to the cops for the same.
Seth Gor’s domestic violence case shows celebrities need to learn how to manage the media
When that story broke out, every female writer was quick to deliver a very lopsided story about the same, sacrificing integrity and fairness. Seth Gor on his part did little to defend himself so the narrative was very one-sided.

Nearly a year later, Seth has finally decided to shed some light on his account of things and he has medical reports to support his narrative. Yes, Seth Gor came through with entire documents for the sake of proving his claims that it was he and not her who was the victim of domestic violence.
Meet the tall sassy lady accused of beating up Seth Gor like a baby (Photo)
The media’s response has been wanting. There have been no articles enumerating the fact that men too are often on the receiving end of female aggression and more often than not, they cannot defend themselves for fear of being branded violent. Bwana Gor is still not being shown in quite the same light as his former beau was when it was assumed she was the victim.

That has to make you think especially because it seems the narrative going round about men being aggressors isn’t being addressed and rather, being ignored. Rather than push a dialogue around what is clearly a problem for both genders, the sentiment that is clearly championed is one that claims men are always the aggressors.
“Hakuna maumivu on this side,” Seth Gor’s ex claps back at comedian for sharing his side of the story after nasty breakup
You see, had Seth Gor’s ex come through with actual medical reports showing she was battered, cancel culture would be in full effect with Kenya’s psuedo intellectual feminazis pushing for an end in his career. Especially the loud and rowdy Twitter bunch.

At the end of the day, whether or not you are a misandrist feminist or a male chauvinist, you have to admit that domestic violence is a problem that afflicts both men and women and therefore the solutions should focus on helping both genders and keeping them safe from violence on the home front.
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