
Bonfire misadventures: Why it is a bad idea to mix business and entertainment

Bonfire Adventures is a company that was started by a couple: a woman and her husband and from the outside looking in, they seem to have had a great run with their business.

Bonfire Adventures couple proudly welcome newborn daughter (Photos)

Sarah Kabu and her husband Simon are the guys behind the company and they had devised a rather interesting way to market their business; using celebrities. So their tour companies would take local celebrities on tours in and around Kenya and East Africa as a way to market their packages.

bonfire adventures

On the surface, this is a good business strategy as their company Bonfire Adventures is able to leverage on the audience these select celebrities have and market to an audience that might not have otherwise been accessible to them.

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On top of this, because they are using celebrities, local tabloids and entertainment rags who cover celebrities have to give them airtime by proxy as they talk about the vacations these celebrities are taking thus adding to the reach Bonfire Adventures has.


The problem for them, however, has been first that they have grown a dependency on these celebrities which I think even casual observers could see coming but secondly. Bonfire Adventures has now gotten embroiled in celebrity feuds and that is the most bizarre of situations to watch unfold.

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You see, the owners of Bonfire Adventure have begun feuding with some of the influencers they had used in the past and it is making for some comical posts online. Sarah Kabu has been addressing her unseen haters online as she lashes out at some influencers who had alleged they had not been paid for their work promoting the company.

bonfire adventures owner

And this is a huge problem because she is not only engaging in her fight as an individual but it looks like an entire company is online fighting celebrities. This is a great thing for the celebrities in question as it increases their clout but for the company, it diminishes their stature.

bonfire adventure owners
Power couple, Sarah and Simon Kabu

I think that when the idea was started to engage celebrities, Bonfire Adventures should have hired a relationship manager to oversee the engagement instead of having its CEO and Managing Director engage them and also start clout chasing on their own. This way they would have mitigated any damage that would have occurred when the relationships eventually broke down.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
