
DCI forced to intervene after Ruth Matete’s husband’s burial turns ugly

Ruth Matete was finally granted the go-ahead to give her late husband, Pastor Belovedjohn Apewajoye a deserving sendoff but the nitty gritties of it stand in the way.

After months of the deceased’s body lying in the morgue at Kenyatta National Hospital, accumulated morgue fees have only skyrocketed the more.

This saw the Kenyan gospel artist give up on ever burying her late hubby, therefore leaving it to the Nigerian embassy to do as they please with his body that had reportedly been held back for conclusive investigations.

The DCI take over Ruth Matete’s late husband’s case

Also read: Ruth Matete´s late husband´s burial takes an interesting turn

The setback

Well, now that the official bodies have set free Pastor John’s body for burial, Ruth Matete and her family is expected to pay at least KSh 600,000 as morgue fees before the body is released to her.

Unfortunately, the bill has proven hard to foot by themselves, even calling upon Kenyans to extend a helping hand in whatever way they can. Radio host, Jeridah Andayi shared:

Kindly support her to give Pastor Beloved John a good sendoff through paybill 891300 Account number 39659 .

Ruth Matete with Jeridah Andayi

This has now forced the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to try and negotiate with the city hospital to wave the body preservation charges piled on the heavily pregnant singer to allow her some sanity.

In a letter addressed to the CEO of KNH, the DCI penned:

We hereby request that you consider waiving the body storage charges resulting from the retention of the body as a result of a request by the Nigerian High Commission to have time to consult the deceased’s brother in Nigeria.

Former couple, Ruth Matete and Pastor Belovedjohn

Her demands

Matete is yet to pick the body from the morgue as her lawyer Mr Robert Odanga revealed that Matete first needs to know the status of the probe before she sends off her husband.

Plus, she has made demands that the embassy first clears the mortuary and burial expenses so that she can accept her late husband´s body.

Ruth Matete with Belovedjohn Apewajoye

Admitting that the situation has not only been disruptive to her personal life but to her brand and business as well.

At the moment everything is at a standstill. She cannot launch her album, teach at her music school or preach at her church with the dark cloud hanging over her name. The public perception is stacked against her.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
