
“I breastfed all my children for up to 2 years” Julie Gichuru rants out after a critic rubbed her the wrong way

Image: Julie Gichuru

Julie Gichuru was forced to open up about how she took care of his four children after a critic on Instagram stepped on her toes with his comment.

The former Citizen TV anchor took to Instagram on Monday October 2nd to express her admiration for Supreme Court Judge Njoki Sussana Ndungu when critics started firing salvos at her.

Julie Gichuru and Njoki Ndungu

A certain charlesodhiambo98 accused Julie Gichuru and other people of milking Kenya dry, he further warned that the exploitation was about to end.

“You people are milking Kenya dry.. ‘n very soon we shall have our say.” charlesodhiambo98 commented on Julie Gichuru’s post on IG.

Julie responded by highlighting all instances where she was involved in ‘milking’, she sarcastically explained that she breastfed all her four children for up to two years.

Julie Gichuru with her kids

“@charlesodhiambo98 who is ‘You people’? Which milk of yours have I touched? I grew up on a farm and my grandmother taught me to milk our cows. It is a lesson I have never forgotten. I have never milked another persons cows. It makes sense to invest time, effort, capital and sweat in your cows, as you will milk yours, not someone else’s. Speaking of milk. I also breastfed all my children for up to 2 years (some longer). The only milk I have had from others was when I attended a government school for two years and we were given Nyayo milk at the end of the day. Hii maziwa yako ni gani?” Julie Gichuru responded.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
