
Nairobi Business Community Challenge attracts celebrities like Juliani, Ciru Muriuki, Nick Odhiambo

Photos of alleged Mungiki gang said to be masquerading as members of Nairobi Business Community stirred up all sorts of controversy online.

Sharp suits and ties are the images that cross our minds when ‘business community’ is mentioned, but on Tuesday September 26th Kenyans were shocked by images of people claiming to be members of Nairobi Business Community.

People with dreadlocks held a press conference to address Nasa Tuesday protests against IEBC which they said posed a threat to their businesses.

Kenyans were quick to conclude that the men with dreadlocks were hired members of the dreaded Mungiki sect which used to cause terror years ago.

Netizens have since started #NairobiBusinessCommunityChallenge to mock the strange looking members of Nairobi Business Community who held a press conference on Tuesday.

Below are some of the photos posted on the hashtag:




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
